Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer...it's a wrap!

Jarrett's summer vacation is quickly coming to a close. He will be starting 1st grade in one week. He's turned into such a big boy this summer (literally and figuratively....ha!ha!...have ya seen his mama and daddy?) His reading and math skills have soared because his teacher mama made him work on "homework" this summer. He is almost toothless, so mama had to look into the possibility of a liquid diet. Joking...he still has a few teeth left in his mouth and his "man" teeth are starting to pop through. Jarrett was a ring bearer this summer and mama says the cutest one ever!!!!! He helped nurse Boss, his 13 year-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier, back to health because he had an achy tooth. And, the big and, he made it through our misable bathroom remodel...it was tough! The good news is that Jarrett played with Legos and Transformers for many wonderful hours and learned to swim. All in all, we had a very blessed summer...accident free and we're refreshed and ready to start the school year. Good luck my baby with your 1st grade year!