Saturday, August 21, 2010

All the "wonderland" at Billy Bob's...

Today we got to hang loosy goosy with Auntie and cousins Kate and Arin at Billy Bob's Wonderland, and boy was it won-der-ful. Jarrett probably ran five miles through the fluorescent extravaganza.

Not only did he squeeze all the monies worth of tokens he could out of any willing adult, he ate pizza, fries and cake while downing cupfuls of Dr. Peppa baby!

At the end of the day, he can count his blessings to have such precious little cousins to love. Miss Kate, the princess indeed, is always ready for a good time with her big cousin. She's all girl with plenty of might to hold her own. Arin, the big ol' baby boy, is such a personality too. After a big belly full of baby food and pizza crust, he knows how to relax and go with the flow.

Oh, and can you say prizes? Oh yeah! J$ made out of there with flashing sunglasses, tattoos, girly bracelets for Kate, and a spider that crawls down the wall! Oh baby!!!!!!