Saturday, August 21, 2010

All the "wonderland" at Billy Bob's...

Today we got to hang loosy goosy with Auntie and cousins Kate and Arin at Billy Bob's Wonderland, and boy was it won-der-ful. Jarrett probably ran five miles through the fluorescent extravaganza.

Not only did he squeeze all the monies worth of tokens he could out of any willing adult, he ate pizza, fries and cake while downing cupfuls of Dr. Peppa baby!

At the end of the day, he can count his blessings to have such precious little cousins to love. Miss Kate, the princess indeed, is always ready for a good time with her big cousin. She's all girl with plenty of might to hold her own. Arin, the big ol' baby boy, is such a personality too. After a big belly full of baby food and pizza crust, he knows how to relax and go with the flow.

Oh, and can you say prizes? Oh yeah! J$ made out of there with flashing sunglasses, tattoos, girly bracelets for Kate, and a spider that crawls down the wall! Oh baby!!!!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

School's Back "From" Summer...

Today was Jarrett's first day of 1st grade and he was so excited that he could not get to sleep last night. He even hung is backpack on the doorknob because he didn't "want to forget it!!" Ha!Ha! He finally fell asleep after a billion questions and a sweet bedtime story. Here is my Jarrett...or J we affectionately call him sometimes...before Mama woke him up for school.

Since Mama is a teacher, Daddy takes J$ to school each day and picks him up in the afternoon. Daddy snapped a couple cute pics on their way to school this morning. He's such a "poser" for him! He's rockin' his school outfit with his new, super-cool Lego backpack.


When I came home from school myself this evening, he was waiting for me at the door to shout to the world that this was, "the best day of my life!" So cute! He was pumped about the new lockers and new desks as this is the opening year of the completely renovated school building and it is just gorgeous. He's a lucky little boy to attend a state-of-the-art, beautiful, charming, and inspiring new school. Thanks so much Mrs. J for a wonderful first day!! Just a few minutes ago he said, "I can't wait 'til tomorrow." When I asked why, he said, "because I want to go back to school! I love school!" Mrs. J is definitely a good one! I don't know what she did to him, but it wiped him out..and he's not a napper! He's out and snoring with his leg hiked up on Boss. Love them.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010's a wrap!

Jarrett's summer vacation is quickly coming to a close. He will be starting 1st grade in one week. He's turned into such a big boy this summer (literally and figuratively....ha!ha!...have ya seen his mama and daddy?) His reading and math skills have soared because his teacher mama made him work on "homework" this summer. He is almost toothless, so mama had to look into the possibility of a liquid diet. Joking...he still has a few teeth left in his mouth and his "man" teeth are starting to pop through. Jarrett was a ring bearer this summer and mama says the cutest one ever!!!!! He helped nurse Boss, his 13 year-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier, back to health because he had an achy tooth. And, the big and, he made it through our misable bathroom was tough! The good news is that Jarrett played with Legos and Transformers for many wonderful hours and learned to swim. All in all, we had a very blessed summer...accident free and we're refreshed and ready to start the school year. Good luck my baby with your 1st grade year!