Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Our new way to spend time;-)

Meet Louie Sanchez, our new 4.5 lb. Chihuahua work-in-progress. He is full of life and pee :-[ 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I like lights!!

During teacher training, we had to use our awesome new Samsung Galaxy Tablet to take pics around the central office building to use for some digital products. Jman....or Jcool as he now wants to be called (haha) recreated the poster of the coalminer behind him. West Virginia coal miner... let me thank you for your time!!!!

Such a good boy!

J$ had to come with Mama to teacher training. He watched a movie, played his DS, and enjoyed some Check out the amazing headphones---even Dr. Dre would be jealous!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's the holiday season...

The family, along with Pap, made our annual pilgrimage to the Christmas light show after we stuffed our bellies full of Thanksgiving fixins'...what a fluorescent extravaganza it was to a 6 year-old little boy who still "believes" by the way. The night was unseasonable warm, so we walked around while snapping jackets required. Christmas carols even played throughout the park to get the guests in the holiday spirit! Then the very next day, Old Man Winter showed up and the temperatures dropped to the 30's. If one looks very closely, Jarrett can be seen in and among the light displays. These pictures showcase just a few of the many displays that make even the adults feel like kids again. We even spotted a picnic table with J-man's initials carved into it, but I promise, we DID NOT do the carving! I had to snap a pic though since he thought it was really cool to see his initials!

A night under the Big Top...

Even though I really worry about the care of the animals, I took Jarrett to Ringling Brothers' Big Top for an extravagant night of performers, exotic animals, and entertaining clowns. He had a great time and made some lifelong memories. It's amazing that the price of the tickets was quite less than the price of the trinkets and snacks that they sell at every place that a kid could possible see. J-man talked me into a $20.00 light-up, spinning circus toy and a $10.00 Boom-a-Ring, but he "had to have them!"  Oh well, the circus only comes to town once or twice a year!
A majestic 47 year-old African elephant

J-man watching the pre-show

J-man with his $20.00 light-up, spinning toy

Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Ghosts and Goblins and...Billy the Exterminator!!!

J-man is lookin' awesome dude!!! He had a rockin' good time for trick-or-treat in his Billy the Exterminator costume!! He even stuck out the tongue and threw up the rocker sign because he was feeling it baby!! He loves the show and loved pretending to be Billy. Rock on!! One of our neighbors told him he had some wasps that have been terrorizing his property...ha!ha!

Here is Jarrett playing around as I shopped for costume goodies. If I had a daughter, I guess this is what she would look like...hilarious!!

J-man was a pirate last year. In this picture, he has some weird mouth going on...Aaarrgg Matey!

and another year...


Thursday, October 21, 2010


Jarrett's first grade class performed Lemonade for a rather large audience of excited parents, families, and friends. Thanks to Mrs. Kauffman for such a great job with a bunch of six year-olds!! To me, it would be like herding cats to get these kids to do anything, but J-man's teachers are just great at what they do. In Lemonade, the kids played many of the characters from the classic fairytale stories with a new to turn a crumby day into a great other words, how to make lemonade out of lemons. We can all use a reminder on that lesson. J-man was pig #3 of the Three Little Pigs. He said his lines like a professional. In fact, all the kids did a fantastic job and were super cute with their imaginative costumes. This was another successful year for the class program!

Last year, his Kindergarten year, he was a goat in the "Whack-a-Doo Zoo."

King's Island trip...

Jarrett visited King's Island for the first time last weekend with his mama, daddy, and pap. He had a great time. The park was decorated for Halloween, and starting at 7:00, they began the Haunted Hunt...oh boy was it interesting! Fog machines placed all over the park cranked up the creepy factor because we couldn't see more than a few feet in front of us. The playhouses were transformed into haunted houses, creepy music played all over the park, and gory scenes were set up in open spaces. Apparently people love to pay to be scared because, contrary to what we expected, the park was packed!!! The wait for rides averaged 1.5 hours, but it was OK with us because J-man is still too short to ride those "high thrill" rides that were most popular anyway!! But, he loved, loved, loved the rides he got on. He enjoyed the games he played at the midway and he won a stuffed Taz which he renamed "Crush" because he thought it suited it better. He was even super excited about staying in a hotel...mama had to get a pic of J-man with the Shoney Big Boy beside our hotel because it's one of the last of its kind still around...ha!ha!ha! All in all, we a had a SPOOKTACULAR weekend of fun, good food, and good company!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Funny warp good times...

J-man and mama had many, many belly-aching laughs playin' with mama's new funny warp app on her phone. We tried and tried to get some of Boss, but the app wouldn't recognize his face are some of the good ones...

Beetle Juice...

J-man and I noticed Boss acting a little funny while he was resting on the couch. He kept wiggling his ears and twitching his body a little. Then, we discovered that he had a rather large beetle right on the end of his nose. At first he didn't likey the beetle, but then he just laid back down and decided he could go ahead and hangy outy I guessy...aaaahhhh good dog!