Thursday, October 21, 2010


Jarrett's first grade class performed Lemonade for a rather large audience of excited parents, families, and friends. Thanks to Mrs. Kauffman for such a great job with a bunch of six year-olds!! To me, it would be like herding cats to get these kids to do anything, but J-man's teachers are just great at what they do. In Lemonade, the kids played many of the characters from the classic fairytale stories with a new to turn a crumby day into a great other words, how to make lemonade out of lemons. We can all use a reminder on that lesson. J-man was pig #3 of the Three Little Pigs. He said his lines like a professional. In fact, all the kids did a fantastic job and were super cute with their imaginative costumes. This was another successful year for the class program!

Last year, his Kindergarten year, he was a goat in the "Whack-a-Doo Zoo."