Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's the holiday season...

The family, along with Pap, made our annual pilgrimage to the Christmas light show after we stuffed our bellies full of Thanksgiving fixins'...what a fluorescent extravaganza it was to a 6 year-old little boy who still "believes" by the way. The night was unseasonable warm, so we walked around while snapping jackets required. Christmas carols even played throughout the park to get the guests in the holiday spirit! Then the very next day, Old Man Winter showed up and the temperatures dropped to the 30's. If one looks very closely, Jarrett can be seen in and among the light displays. These pictures showcase just a few of the many displays that make even the adults feel like kids again. We even spotted a picnic table with J-man's initials carved into it, but I promise, we DID NOT do the carving! I had to snap a pic though since he thought it was really cool to see his initials!