Saturday, September 18, 2010

Spelunking at Carter Caves...

Jarrett's class is studying habitats for their science unit and he decided to choose a cave as his habitat. So, mama and dad decided to take him to Carter Caves in Kentucky to enrich his understanding of everything cave-ish! As we traveled to the state park with The Ant Bully playing in the background, the GPS took us on the longest possible route to the welcome center, including a couple miles on a gravel road that seemed to be made more for horse-drawn wagons than vehicles. At least we experienced some "country" scenery. Finally, we pulled into the welcome center with some time to spare before the cave tour, so we checked out the gift shop. I got a little creeped out when I looked up to see the "ghostly" figure in the middle window at the top of the building. Turns out it was a cardboard cut-out...pheeewww!

We had a fun time picking out little treasures for my Jarrett to take home. He found a pouch of polished rocks that he thought was uber-cool and a super groovy spelunking hat to guide him through the cave. Problem was, he left it in the van...oh well! I also snapped a funny pic of him trying on the raccoon hat, but we didn't take it home because mama is a little creeped out by the whole idea of killing an animal for commercial benefit. He also found some color-changing pencils that he "really needed."  

Eventually, we trekked the additional 3.4 miles to the cave entrance to meet our very knowledgeable tour guide, Derek. My Jarrett was too shy to get a photo op with Derek although mama tried really hard to talk him into it. The tour took about 1.5 hours and we navigated about 225 steps through the 3/4 mile cave. It was really cool and Jarrett said he "had butterflies in his belly" when we started out because he needed to "overcome his fear." Apparently it didn't take long, however, because he was the most well-behaved kid there and asked the tour guide very good questions. Mama and dad were proud. Here are some of the pics mama snapped on the tour.
A cluster of bats hanging from the cave ceiling and a lonely little bat separated from his bat family

Daddy and Jarrett deep under the earth in Cascade Cave

A 30 foot underground waterfall...thus, the "Cascade Cave"

Jarrett walking on a bridge between the caves

Cave Diamonds that fascinated Jarrett

 Jarrett and other tourists looking over the "Reflecting Pool"

Jarrett learned many facts about the cave habitat and saw spiders, crickets, salamanders and bats oh my! After our fun and educational visit to Carter Caves, the family relaxed and enjoyed a scrumptious meal at Cheddars before we headed home to watch Marshall take on Bowling Green. What a day!